Art Installations
Philip Noyed has created over 70 art instillation concepts for homes, airports, libraries, universities, city halls, apartment buildings, office buildings, and retail stores.
He's worked with printers, fabricators, architects, interior designers, and construction teams to implement the art.
For projects, he provides overall design and image concepts and works with you to ensure you love the design before producing the art.
This is a sampling of the types of installations Philip has done for homes.
Commercial And Public Art Installations
Red - Green - Yellow Triangle Trilogue
I created this in my Quincy Art Studio. The visual changes from viewpoint to viewpoint make viewing this art an ever-changing experience. I call it a "Trilogue" because there is a conversation between all three triangles from every view point. No viewpoint is correct - all viewpoints make it fascinating and evolving.
Check out mobiles available for sale.