Welcome to Philip's new website! He designed it himself in Shopify.

Philip has an art show at Halberg Center for the Arts opening on April 27

Philip has an art show at Halberg Center for the Arts opening on April 17

Philip's art will be sent to the moon on the Lunar Codex

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Coming Soon!

You'll be able to shop Geometric Illuminations, Art Lights, Paintings, Screen Prints and Fine Art Prints.

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Rays is to the left and Medallion above.

Geometric Illuminations

Geometric Illuminations are images that Philip photographs and digitally amplifies. The images are laminated to acrylic. They are framed and lit with LED lights.

The Geometric Illumination Collection will be offered for sale soon!

Whispering (above) and Free Flight (on right)

Original Paintings

Oil Paintings - some in 3D with Chromadepth glasses - and mixed acrylic-watercolor-goache paintings. Fine art prints are also available.


Coming soon!
